Outside of History Group ShowRealf Heygate (b.1994) is a painter and sculptor living and working in the UK.
Gestures and mark-makings in his sculptural work are often made in an instant, with little conscious reasoning, a welcomed paradox to his painting process which reproduces these forms through photorealist painting, deliberated and painstaking. With much of Heygate's work, the image is determined long before the painting is completed. Often what’s being created is an object that employs a selected image as a facade. The artist feels it’s important that the object is a painting, as it allows a much slower reading of the image.

Realf Heygate, Bayward, 2023, Acrylic, sand, cardboard and wood, 17 x 16 x 11.5cm

Realf Heygate, Fold, 2023, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 30 x 25 cm